Hi my name is Hayley and I am a qualified antenatal hypnobirthing teacher based in Kent, with 3 wonderful children and a husband at home. As my children got older, I went on to achieve a diploma in Access to Midwifery which I absolutely loved, reaffirming my passion for birth. I have been working closely with pregnant families at Expectancy Scanning Studios for the last 3 years and discovered it was teaching hypnobirthing which really excited me.
I strongly believe hypnobirthing is for everybody and can guarantee you and your birth partner will walk away feeling much more relaxed and excited for your birth experience.
Throughout the courses, I will take you through step by step and ensure quality teaching and understanding. My courses are suitable for all parents and all types of births no matter your choices or unexpected circumstances, I strongly believe your birth can be a positive experience.
What is hypnobirthing?
Hypnobirthing is just the science behind giving birth. It is a pain relief technique that allows you to work with your body and your mind to relieve any fear, pain, tension or negativity so that you and your birthing partner can experience a positive birth and learn how to navigate through birth should you require intervention
Will I get hypnotised?
No you won’t be hypnotised the techniques you will learn in Hypnobirthing simply allow you to access a state of deep relaxation to help you focus during labour. This state of hypnosis is similar to when we drive a car on autopilot without thinking where we are going.
Does hypnobirthing really work?
Yes it really does! Studies have shown that hypnobirthing can reduce our perception of pain and reduce the rates of medical intervention this includes: forceps, ventouse and c sections.
When should I take the course?
Hypnobirthing classes can be attended any time after 22 weeks but I recommend around 28-30 weeks is a good time to start.
Who can I bring with me?
We would suggest bringing your birth partner with you to help them to be able to support your needs during labour. But you are more than welcome to bring a friend or family member if your birth partner is unabke to attend.​
Can I attend on my own?
Of course! You can always bring a friend/family member for support if you wish
Or if your partner can’t make the courses we give out handouts that you can share with them.
How long are the courses?
Our hypnobirthing group courses are once a week in the evening for 2 hours and spread over a 4 week period. Please see our services option in the menu
I’m worried I’m too far gone to attend courses?
Not to worry - just send us a message or give us a call and we will accommodate you in any way I can. These could be private sessions in a larger block of time.
Do you offer classes in my own home?
Yes I do. These would be private 1:1 classes
Is the price for the courses for 1 person or 2?
The price is for 2 people to attend except the pregnancy relaxation classes which are just for mum to be.
Will I meet other parents who I can stay in contact with?
Yes! Our courses encourage parents to build relationships with each other and are designed to be sociable and interactive
I am having a planned caesarean. Can I still do the courses?
Absolutely we offer a positive caesarean hypnobirthing workshop for parents who are having a planned c section.
Do I need to bring anything?
No just your lovely selves
We have a surrogate pregnancy. Can we both attend alongside our surrogate?
Of course! Just let me know prior so we can make sure we have extra stationary etc
How do I book?
Thank you for choosing Empowered Birth. Click here BOOK NOW
Or alternatively you can give us a call or a whats app on 07590267979 or alternatively email us hayley@empoweredbirthuk.com